The Arctic is estimated to hold90bn barrels of untapped oil, according to figures from the US Geological Survey ( USGS). 据美国地质调查局数据显示,北极地区估计蕴藏着90亿桶未开采的石油。
She went on to assail Palin for supporting Arctic oil exploration that could jeopardize delicate animal habitats and for dismissing measures to protect polar bears. 北极石油勘探可能会对动物的栖息地造成危害,但佩林支持北极石油勘探,并反对采取措施保护北极熊。她(芭铎)对此进行了抨击。
MOSCOW& Exxon Mobil, which is assisting a Russian state energy company in exploring the Arctic Ocean for oil and natural gas, took a pivotal step to further this project over the weekend. 莫斯科&正在协助一家俄罗斯国有能源企业进行北冰洋石油和天然气勘探的埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil),上周末迈出了推进这一合作计划的关键一步。
Further falls could endanger investment in deepwater, Arctic and shale reserves that require a high oil price to break even, analysts said. 分析师们表示,油价进一步下跌可能危及企业对深水、北极和页岩储量的投资,它们都需要高油价才能达到盈亏平衡。
It underscores international oil companies 'determination to explore and develop the Russian Arctic, one of the few places in the world with large, untapped oil and gas reserves. 埃克森美孚与俄罗斯石油公司达成的协议,突显出国际石油企业勘探和开发俄罗斯属北极油气田(世界上仅存的几处未开发的大型油气田之一)的决心。
Denmark says it's planning to lay claim to a large area of the Arctic seabed including the North Pole, a region thought to be rich in oil and gas. 丹麦称其计划对北极圈海床大范围地区提出主权要求,包括北极点在内,据称此处石油和天然气丰富。
Large arctic whalebone whale; allegedly the` right 'whale to hunt because of its valuable whalebone and oil. 大型水生须鲸;由于其鲸须和鲸油的价值高而被称为好鲸。
Soon after sticking flags at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean for declaration of sovereignty, Russia then became a pioneer in Arctic oil exploitation. 继率先在北冰洋海底插旗宣布主权之后,俄罗斯又成为北极石油开发的先锋。
The melting of the Arctic ice-caps is opening up new opportunities for oil exploration and shipping, raising fears that territorial disputes between states such as Russia, Canada and the US could run out of control. 北极冰盖的融化为石油勘探和航运带来新机遇,令外界担忧俄罗斯、加拿大和美国之间的领土纠纷可能失控。
Russia says it's planning to create two specialist army brigades to be stationed in the Arctic, where large oil and gas reserves are thought to be lying under the ocean. 俄罗斯表示,将建立两个专门的军队驻扎在北极地区,据称,北极地区蕴藏着丰富的石油和天然气资源。
Expensive ventures in ultra-deep water, the Arctic and the processing of oil shales are not viable at$ 40. 按照每桶40美元的油价,北极超深水区的高成本开采以及油页岩的加工都不可行。
Today environmental groups are fighting proposals to open protected areas of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska to oil drilling. 现在,环保组织正在与那些准备开放阿拉斯加北极圈国家野生动物保护基地,进行石油开发的建议作斗争。
Study on the Properties 、 Compositions and Application of Arctic Fox Oil 蓝狐油的理化性质、组成成分及应用研究
The Arctic region has rich resources, such as oil, gas, coal and other mineral and fishery resources. 北极地区丰富的资源有着巨大的吸引力,其中除了石油、天然气和煤炭等能源资源,还有丰富的矿藏和渔业资源。